To create place is to collaborate, dialog, research, draw, model, and discover through making.


We draw through the duration of a project, from project to project, and beyond projects. Drawing is invaluable to our practice in three critical ways: learning through observation, exploring ideas through imagination, and expressing an idea in the attempt to define an argument or a position through representation.


Building models allows us to explore landscapes as dynamic fields that are transformative, engaging, and experiential. We build models to engage site context, topography, circulation, program, and visitor experience in three dimensions. Relying on both analog and digital methods, we employ a wide range of techniques to support our creative process.


Our studio integrates digital modeling and fabrication processes such as 3d scanning, terrain modeling, and 3d printing into our process. The direct link between digital modeling and fabrication has advanced our ability to test and refine our design details, and has allowed us to work directly with fabricators to create custom fixtures.


Our designs are grounded in careful research, providing insight into the multiple layers operating within a given site. Understanding patterns inscribed and interpreted through history, geology, hydrology, ecology, human occupation and more is critical to our design process. Working with digital terrain models has allowed us to expand our understanding of sites as situated within their broader context.


We value collaboration not only within our studio, but with clients, project team members, and community stakeholders. Ultimately, we love our projects for the opportunities they present to engage with people and communities, grow a collective vision, and further discover the complex and diverse world in which we live.